The blast furnace hot-blast system is essential for efficient ironmaking. Stoves heat the blast air, but underperforming stoves mean higher gas consumption at the burners or result in the need for increased quantities of metallurgical coke in the furnace – all at a cost, financially as well as ecologically.

Hot-blast systems can achieve very long lifetimes if key components such as parts of the vessel shell and the refractories are designed, manufactured and installed properly. Burner replacements and partial repair jobs then become an accepted reality of campaign management.

The hot-blast stoves at both blast furnaces at Tata Steel’s Port Talbot Works have achieved very long campaign lives with the support of multiple life-extension repairs, the most recent of which was the repair of stove #10 of blast furnace #4.

The current contract between Danieli Corus and Tata Steel for the repairs of stove #11 at blast furnace #4 (with a 2388 m³ working volume) and stove #13 at blast furnace #5 (with a 2134 m³ working volume) is a continuation of the strong and fruitful relationship built up over many years between the companies, and confirms the value of executing such projects with an experienced technology partner.

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